The ongoing need for Compassion AI
Securing our future with artificial intelligence and ethical machines
“As humanity, we are at the most fascinating and decisive moment in our history. We enter new crossroads of history, but we are stumbling; we need to choose our next steps wisely. The global change in systems that we have treated so far as certain and permanent, the meltdown of old economic and political models, technological singularity and climate change. This is a race against time, because problems appearing faster than we can solve them: new diseases, new technologies of propaganda that hack privacy and public opinion, new waves of anxieties and mental disorders, and other eco-crises causing the most precipitous mass extinction in natural history, not to mention unknown risks emerging with next-gen technology. This caused us to find ourselves in a world of chaos – where everything is interconnected. We have become a truly global organism. But devoid of global consciousness….”
The role of compassion in creating a better future
As humanity, we are at the most fascinating and decisive moment in our history. We enter new crossroads of history, but we are stumbling; we need to choose our next steps wisely. The global change in systems that we have treated so far as certain and permanent, the meltdown of old economic and political models, technological singularity and climate change. This is a race against time, because problems appearing faster than we can solve them: new diseases, new technologies of propaganda that hack privacy and public opinion, new waves of anxieties and mental disorders, and other eco-crises causing the most precipitous mass extinction in natural history, not to mention unknown risks emerging with next-gen technology. This caused us to find ourselves in a world of chaos – where everything is interconnected. We have become a truly global organism. But devoid of global consciousness.
We have forgotten the stories of Golems and Pandoras resonate as we are creating a new set of „species”: General AI. The rise of General AI will be more transformative to the appearance of the man on the earth. We note that the world is in the midst of the greatest, most rapid mass extinction event in geological history, due to human-caused factors, and the existential risks continue to grow as technology advances. To survive, we must quickly grow much smarter, wiser, more inventive, adaptive and responsible as a civilization. We must better understand the negative consequences, yet we must also dream of positive outcomes. Our future will depend to a large extent on what kind of relationship we will create between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Can we create symbiosis, that would be beneficial to us with machines or not? Will we be able to combine the best in man with the best in the algorithm? What kind of future world will we come up with?
We should work to create not just intelligent machines, but wise machines. Currently we pursue AI effectiveness, but we also need to teach it morality, caring, and the desire to see life improved. We acknowledge that wisdom, compassion, and social intelligence are advanced forms of intelligence, which need to be brought to functionality in machines for machine intelligence to reach its maximum safety. Machines need to seek the greatest common good, in collaboration with humans. We need machines that not only learn from us, but also teach us. And mutually which ones they can learn from us. We need machines that ask questions, that we would never ask ourselves. Because it’s the questions that change the world, not the answers. We need ethical machines that understand us, bring out the best in us, take care of us, and work with us, so that we can solve the world’s problems together. We need compassion machines. Compassion AI.
To maximizing the perspectives and our chances we need to harness all our resources: full diversity of people around the world of many disciplines, arts & sciences, business & non-profits, likeminded governments and decentralized efforts too. We need to redesign our technology, digital and social systems to maximize net benefits for individuals and all living beings. Its critical to organize and act now.
In the history of our species, we have had these incredible moments when there have been powerful explosions of human genius, leading to paradigm shifts. Ancient Athens, over the few decades, has laid the foundations for today’s world. Renaissance Florence needed less time to transform the Middle Ages into the Enlightenment. From the rural revolution to the industrial revolution. And Silicon Valley geniuses in just a few years ended the industrial era pushing us into the information age without the future for autonomy of individuals. With every decade we need less time to change the world as we know it. However, now we need much more than a few geniuses. Problems of the current world are too complex and too extensive for a single human brain. To solve them and to lead humanity safely to the new reality, to the new world, a different model of creativity and cooperation is needed. Model based on robust, secure and safe augmented intelligence and human-AI synergy.
To create such a solution, Modern Virtual Florence is needed, a place, platform for thinkers, scientists, entrepreneurs, spiritual teachers, philosophers and artists, who using collective creativity and power of machines, will work on global and local problems. New Geniuses, who will develop compassionate AI.
Platform that would be analogous to the Apollo Space Program of the 1960s, with a centrally organized approach that manages the efforts of researchers at 2 thousands of institutions. However, unlike the Apollo program, the infrastructure that should be open and participatory, facilitating “bottom up” contributions— the sort of spontaneous competition and cooperation among participants that results in surprising leaps forward combined with a value system based on universal morality and empathy – not only for the human species but for the whole planet. It is necessary to develop new mechanisms of social co responsibility and cooperation – covering not only humanity, but also the entire planet and a new ‘incoming’ species like General AI, which will maintain mutual value system. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a vast active living intelligence system with greater-than-human intelligence, and work for it, and finally benevolence that maximizes net benefits for all living beings
We need new consciousness for new times.
We here propose a radical action group to awaken human and machine consciousness. GAIA, the Global Artificial Intelligence Association, dedicates the efforts of a diverse social network of people to improving and utilizing human AI symbiosis, to help solve the problems of life. Many people are working on these problems, but solutions require bolder effort than ever undertaken, involving all people from around the world, all cultures, and disciplines.
GAIA – modern Virtual Florence – a non-profit, multi-institutional collaborative to complement existing cognitive A.I. efforts, integrating and enhancing other AI and robotics efforts, to develop interfaces among projects, and to accelerate dialogue and coordination among the institutions and participants.
Although the world now spirals towards collapse, it’s not too late. We can still choose our destiny.